I can help you to overcome traumatic events from the past which may be still impacting your life now to create lasting change.

Sex and sexuality form a large part of being adult human beings, whether we are having sex or not, it play a part of who we actually are.
Sex plays a key role in any relationship, it can also be one of the most problematic areas. As we get on with our lives our sexual attitudes, interests, tastes, desires, responses and needs often change.

Do you regularly feel worried or anxious with a sense of dread?
Imagine for a moment, how amazing it would be if that problem or issue was no longer there?
Do you want to feel better about yourself with a new lease of life, improved relationships, more energy and drive?
You CAN be the best version of yourself-the only limit is YOU!
Ask about my 4 stage programme.

- Are you the same person that you were when you first met your partner?
- Have you adapted your behaviour and compromised ?
- Do you feel comfortable saying no?
- Do you often feel like you are walking on eggshells?
- Are you gaslighted and accused of doing things you know you haven’t done?
Does this all sound or feel familiar?
Are you stuck in a toxic relationship you are desperate to leave but lack of self-worth keeps you there?
Is there that one person who you would love to get over but just can’t?
- Do you find yourself repeating cycles and going from one bad relationship to the next?
- Have you been hurt in one or more past relationships due to lack of boundaries?
- Have you lost your identity?
- Have you found yourself single and are anxious about dating again?
- Would you like to reawaken your inner goddess and sensuality?
Join me as I take you through an amazing 6 step coaching programme which will be a journey of healing past trauma, creating new beliefs, removing blocks, learning to love yourself, ultimate empowerment and unstoppable confidence.
This is for you to create the life you deserve whilst being the best version of you.
I guarantee you will leave the programme feeling better than you have in a long time!
Book your free strategy call today. It’s time to invest in YOU!
-Love bombing-The beginning of the relationship where for a while they make you feel like you are the most important person in their life.
- Future Faking - Promising you stuff in the future to trap you in the now.
- Flying Monkeys - How toxic people recruit others to believe the lies they tell about you.
- Hoovering - Draining you and coming back for more- especially after ghosting and/or blocking.
- Trauma Bonding - The horrible push - pull energy that stops you from leaving even though you know it’s no good for you.
- The Grand Finale - The final discard when the mask slips.
At least 30% of women and 40% of men have a sexual dysfunction issue and around 2/3 of those will be psychological. Life has moved on so much so there needs to be modern solutions without fear of judgement or feeling embarrassed. Hypnotherapy can help with this as your mind and your body are always listening to each other. Instead of logically trying to work out what may be causing any problems, through hypnosis we can facilitate lasting change on a subconscious level by removing any guilt and shame and releasing associated anxiety.
Everyone feels anxious from time-to-time. Typically, it happens when we experience stress and tends to gradually subside after the high pressure moments have passed.
However, when anxiety or panic becomes intense and persistent, it can have a huge impact on our mental health and wellbeing. If you feel that you are suffering from the mental health condition, it is important to know that there is support and treatment available to prevent it from further affecting your life.
Contact me for more information if you feel you may be suffering
If you are unable or reluctant to see me face-to-face, sessions can be facilitated online. They are just as effective, so all you need to do is make sure you will be in a place where you won’t be disturbed.
Past Life Regression & Between lives
Have you ever wanted to explore past lives or experience what it feels like to be in the between lives state? Perhaps you have been to a new place yet feel you have been there already?
Through hypnosis I can help you to clear any blocks from this life including pain, repeated cycles and feeling stuck. Maybe you have unanswered questions about your reason for being here and greater purpose? Real or imagined, it will be a journey of deep discovery.
Contact me to find out more
Read what people are saying about us!
How well I did with my phobia of heights!

This is something I would never have done before. The picture of me is right by the Grand Canyon in Arizona. Thank you so much!
The sessions I had with Kerry really had a massive impact on the struggles I was having
Since seeing Kerry, I have been able to move forward in my life and do what is right for me.
I really like her no-nonsense style and she has helped me release a ton of stuck emotions
A great experience from start to finish. I feel confident, so much more positive and fully ready to embrace life!
She was empathetic and really understood what I was going through
It really made me understand what was going on in my life which was pretty messy
I now feel so much more confident in my life and my decisions

I’ve had four amazing sessions and with each session I felt like a weight had been lifted of my shoulders!
She makes you feel so comfortable and at ease

something just clicked and i have never felt more myself.
What a wonderful experience.

A few more after that and it made me feel 100% better! What a wonderful experience.