The ability to choose to have a consenting, confident, satisfying sex life, in the absence of sexual dysfunction, guilt and shame.For more information, contact me
Kerry Potts - Hypnotherapist
Hi, my name is Kerry Potts and I am a fully qualified, registered Hypnotherapist and Hypnotist.
I focus on getting you thinking about how you wish to feel in the future and making it a reality. Gently releasing past issues and traumas content-free, enables you to look to a happy, brighter and more positive future without reliving the past.
I use a combination of rapid, effective modern techniques to help you take back control of any anxious thoughts and change unwanted behaviours. Memories cannot be changed but it is possible to change how you react to them.
This will quickly increase your sense of wellbeing without the need for months of therapy. I focus on removing those negative emotions that produce intrusive thoughts that go around in your head.
The fear, the pain, the hurt, the guilt and shame that you are probably unaware you are still carrying.
Solutions are just a click away - Get in touch
Read what people are saying about us!
How well I did with my phobia of heights!

This is something I would never have done before. The picture of me is right by the Grand Canyon in Arizona. Thank you so much!
The sessions I had with Kerry really had a massive impact on the struggles I was having
Since seeing Kerry, I have been able to move forward in my life and do what is right for me.
I really like her no-nonsense style and she has helped me release a ton of stuck emotions
A great experience from start to finish. I feel confident, so much more positive and fully ready to embrace life!
She was empathetic and really understood what I was going through
It really made me understand what was going on in my life which was pretty messy
I now feel so much more confident in my life and my decisions

I’ve had four amazing sessions and with each session I felt like a weight had been lifted of my shoulders!
She makes you feel so comfortable and at ease

something just clicked and i have never felt more myself.
What a wonderful experience.

A few more after that and it made me feel 100% better! What a wonderful experience.